General books

Tantrasarasangra Pandit

Tantra Sara was the compendium of worship supposedly taught to Lord Brahma by Lord Vishnu and Madwacharya extracted relevant portions of it into this volume, which consists of the (i) chanting of the great Vaishnava mantras (ii) aspects of Aavarana pooja (iii) Kalasha pooja (iv) comprehending the various forms and expressions of Lord Vishnu  (v) yagna rituals (vi) meditation (vii) vasthu of temple construction (viii) sculpture and aspects related to the installation of icons. Pandit Duraiswami Aiyangar being a staunch Vaishnavite was obviously attracted to this work and through his Tamil translation, wanted to disseminate this knowledge to the devout Tamilian reader.

The Presidential Address

In the Presidential Address which was delivered by Pandit Duraiswami Aiyangar in Tamil, at the sixth Dravida Vaidya Conference held at Trichinopoly on May 28, 1934, he lauds the ancient heritage of Ayurveda, its spiritual descent from Danvantari, God of medicine himself, the special feature of the three humours which formed the basis of its diagnostical skill as also the neglect of the branch of surgery in Ayurveda, which was an important aspect of this science and which deserved to be encouraged. He used strong and logical arguments to debunk both the dubious claims of Siddhas, (another branch of indigenous medicine) and the British led Western medical sciences which tried to discredit Ayurveda, all the while drawing from its extensive knowledge. The greatness and glory of Ayurveda comes across clearly as also his pride in being a proponent of this wonderful healing practice.