Astanga Hridaya of Acharya Vaghbhata, Volume 1, In Tamil, Ayurveda Bhushana Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, The Vaidya Kalanidhi Office, Madras, Year 1918, 440 pages (this is a basic text book on Ayurveda, on Symptoms, Disease and Ailments written in sutras – short verses. The tamil translation has a commentary on each verse).
Astanga Hridaya of Acharya Vaghbhata, Revised 2nd Edition, Ayurveda Bhushan Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, Volume 1, In Tamil, The Vaidya Kalanidhi Office, Madras, Year 1931, 568 pages (this is a basic text book on Ayurveda, on Symptoms, Disease and Ailments written in sutras – short verses. The tamil translation has a commentary on each verse).
Astanga Hridaya of Acharya Vaghbhata,Revised 2nd Edition, Volume 2, In Tamil, Ayurveda Bhushan Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, The Vaidya Kalanidhi Office, Madras, Year 1935, 594 pages. (this is a basic text book on Ayurveda, on Symptoms, Disease and Ailments written in sutras – short verses. The tamil translation has a commentary on each verse).
Jīvānandanam of Ānandarāya Makhin, a drama embodying teachings of Āyurveda. /Ed. by M. Duraiswami Aiyangar, with his own commentary - 'Nandinī'. 1947 562 pages (Translated into Malayalam by Dr PVK Anand and currently Dr Anthony Cerulli is working on translating it into English)
Madhava Nidhana, In Tamil, Vidyaratna Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, The Vaidya Kalanidhi Office, Vepery, Madras, Year 1936 , 290 pages. (A treatise on pathogenesis of diseases)
Pillaip Pini Vakatam: a collection of notes on certain ailments and recipes of children. Critically edited with introduction and notes by Ayurvedabhushana, Ayurvedacharya, Vidyaratnam Pandit M. Duraiswami Aiyangar. Government Oriental Manuscript Library, Madras 1952, 123 pages. (In Tamil)
Rasaratna Samuchchaya of Acharya Vaghbhata, In Tamil, Ayurveda Bhushan Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, The Vaidya Kalanidhi Office, Vepery, Madras, Year 1931, 180 pages. (The text contains detailed descriptions of various complex metallurgical processes, as well as descriptions of how to set up and equip a laboratory (ch.10) and other topics concerning Indian alchemy. It is a work that synthesises the writings and opinions of several earlier authors and presents a coherent account of medieval Indian alchemy.)
Sarngadhara Samhita, In Tamil, Vidyaratna Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, The Vaidya Kalanidhi Office, Vepery, Madras, Year 1927, 432 pages. This is a very important practioners handbook for Ayurveda. ( the above six books are available in the personal Library of Sri C. Srividya Rajagopalan – Sri Sadagopan mama’s nephew)
Vedanta ( Philosophy )
Śrī Pāñcarātrarakṣā of Śrī Vedānta Deśika /edited by M. Duraiswami Aiyangar and T. Venugopalacharya ; with an introduction in English by G. Srinivasa Murthi (The Adayar Library and Research Center, chennai ) First published in 1940 and reprinted in 1996, 281 pages. This was chosen as one of the 100 important Oriental books for reprint . It is a book on Vedanta Philosophy)
HamsaSandesham of Sri Vedanta Desikan. Translated into Tamil by Vaidyaratna Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, Ayurveda Bhushan, Ayurvedacharya, Desika Darsana Duranthara (1941) 117 pages.
When Rama is pining for Sita, who has been abducted by Ravana to Sri Lanka, he tells a swan to go tell Sita how much he longs for her. He directs the swam to Sri Lanka by describing to her the temples that she will see on the way.
Language and Literature
Kātampari by Em Turaisvāmi Aiyaṅkār 1st edition published in 1911 in Tamil (this title is also spelled as Kadambari - and notice the variant spelling of his name). Kadambari was revised and published again in 1949. (In Tamil) (Available at the U. Berkeley library. Katampari is in their rare books collection not to be loaned) More about Banabatta’s Kadambari .
Kirat Arjuniya Gadya Sangraha (of Bharaivi) Translated by Ayurveda Bhushan Pandit M. Duraiswamy Aiyangar with commentary Tika Ghantapatha. 1926. 42 pages. Kirat Arjuniya is a Sanskrit kavya by Bhāravi, written in the 6th century or earlier. It is an epic poem in eighteen cantos describing the combat between Arjuna and lord Shiva at Indrakeeladri hills in present-day Vijayawada in the guise of a kirāta or mountain-dwelling hunter. It s one of the larger three of the six Sanskrit mahakavyas, or great epics. It is noted among Sanskrit critics both for its gravity or depth of meaning, and for its forceful and sometimes playful expression. This includes a canto set aside for demonstrating linguistic feats, similar to constrained writing. Later works of epic poetry followed the model of the Kirātārjunīya.
Keynote Address at the All India Ayurvedic conference, Trichy, 1934
The presidential address by Em Turaisvāmi Aiyaṅkār 1st edition published in 1934 (This is Pandit Duraiswami’s keynote address at the All India Ayurvedic conference held in Trichy)
Available Online - full text on Internet Archives
Mēkasantēcam /[Kalidasa] ; Mē. Turaisvāmi Aiyaṅkar. (Meghasandesa – Translation of Kalidasas work) (this title is also spelled as Megasandesham - and notice the variant spelling of his name) to know more Click here
Tantra Sara Sangraha (with commentary): a treatise teaching formulae and rites for the attainment of health and happiness and even of super-human power . By Narayana of Sivapuram. Edited critically with introduction in English and Sanskrit by Vaidyaratna Pandit M. Duraiswami Aiyangar, Ayurveda Bhushana, Ayurvedacharya, Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, no.16. Madras: 1950. 567 pages. to know more Click here
Journal Articles
Aiyangar, Duraiswami Our legislative Council and the Indigeneous system of Medicine. Vaidya Kalanidhi, 1, 1914, p. 63.
Aiyangar, Duraiswami How Can Our Medicine be Improved?, Vaidya Kalanidhi 5 (10) 1918 p149.
Aiyangar, Duraiswami Suggestions for the Improvement of the Ayurveda System, Vaidya Kalanidhi 8( 9), 10, 11 192, 91-99.
Aiyangar, Duraiswami The All India Ayurveda Vidya Pita, Vaidya Kalanidhi 6,( 8&9) 1919 p 107.
Aiyangar, Duraiswami Introduction to Sarngadhara Samhita, by Sarangadaran, trans.
Smith, Frederick M: The Self Possessed: Deity and Spirit Possession in South Asian Literature and Civilization Columbia University Press, 2006 – Social Science
Indigenous Medicines, Print Technology and Knowledge … › jspui › bitstream into regional languages and published them together with commentaries.
Report of the Committee on the Indigenous Systems of Medicine, 2: 465-466.
Kanagarathinam, DV Indigenous and Western Medicines in Colonial South India:
Kanagarathinam, DV Physicians, Print Production and Medicinein Colonial South India (1867-1933) PhD Thesis Pondicherry Univ.
Nature of Discourses and Impact. Indian Journal of History of Science, 53.2 (2018) 182-204
Titles that Pandit Duraiswami Aiyangar translated and wrote commentaries on, but copies not found.
Kalidasa’s Malavika Agnimitram (Translated and with commentary in Tamil by Aiyangar ,Duraiswami in 1954/5)
Kalidasa’s Shakuntalam. (Translated and with commentary into Tamil by Aiyangar , Duraiswami)
Swami Desikan’s Sankalpa Sooryoodayam (Translated and with commentary in Tamil by Aiyangar ,Duraiswami)) – this is a 10 act allegorical play by Swami Desikan on Vishitadvaitam philosophy)
Sareera Sukavarye Sambashana (A treatise on a healthy body)– was at SUV Tirupathi Oriental Library – but missing
Tridosha Tattva -Scientific theory on three doshas – a badly damaged copy is available at the SUV Tirupathi Oriental Library –
“Noiyatra vazhve Kuraivatra selvam” (A life without disease is a carefree wealthy life) a column in Swadesamitran around 1937-45
Editor of Vaidya Kalanidhi (An Ayurvedic Journal). Probably around 1914
Nidanasara (or) Pancalaksana vimarsa. By Vaidyaratna Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, (Book in the catalog of the SVU Oriental Research Institution Tirupati, but not traced).
Tridosha Tathvam The Scientific theory on three doshas. By Vaidyaratna Pandit M Duraiswami Aiyangar, (Book available at the SVU Oriental Research Institution Tirupati in a very badly damaged condition. It can only be scanned on location.).
Venkatanatha by Pandit Duraiswami Aiyangar and T. Venugopalacharya, 1967 (published after his death – this is book about Swami Desikan).
Ayurvedic System of Pharmacopeia by Aiyangar, Duraiswami) (before 1913 – he mentions this in one of his books)